The Golden Spiral at British Airways’ i360, Brighton, was recently awarded the LGN 2019 Winner for Public Lighting. Voted for by the Institution of Lighting Professionals, the lighting scheme was unanimously voted as the winner!
The article starts: “Fighting off some fierce competition from lighting schemes across the country, our judges from the Institution of Lighting Professionals decided unanimously the Brighton Spiral project was a worthy winner of the award.” (Source: Local Government News June 2019).

You can read the full article in the Local Government News.
Robyn Butcher, Associate Director and Senior Chartered Landscape Architect at terra firma, entered the scheme into the LGN Street Design Awards and travelled to Brighton for the award presentation.
The unanimous decision was a wonderful achievement for the design team, particularly the lighting designer, and it has been fabulous to see how well the city has embraced this new feature.
Robyn Butcher, terra firma