
Silverwood, St Peter's Hospital, Chertsey

terra firma worked with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and IBI Architects (now Arcadis) to develop proposals for a replacement 64 bed mental health unit with ward gardens at ground and roof level, therapy gardens, sports area and staff garden. Early design work was carried out as direct appointment with SBP and involved extensive consultation with clinical, therapy and FM teams as well as Lived Experience Groups. Currently nearing completion of construction terra firma has worked with Galliford Try to deliver the project. The high degree of security and robust design required is a challenge and terra firma’s experience designing for secure children’s homes is invaluable. In addition, terra firma’s inputs have been invaluable in maximising the retention and protection of an important mature tree belt on the tight urban site. Planting will provide sensory interest and will attract wildlife to give the service users direct contact with the natural world with every ward having access to an outdoor space in addition to views from bedrooms and communal spaces.