Mikey joined the practice in June of 2023, prior to which he worked for a practice involved with the petrol industry, designing various forms of roadside retail including petrol stations, drive-thru coffee shops and restaurants, and more recently, EV forecourts. As such he has built up a wealth of knowledge regarding vehicle swept paths, parking allowances and traffic flows, as well as specifics regarding petrol station design and fuel infrastructure.
He has experience with projects from initial feasibility studies, through planning and consent to display submissions, all the way through to producing as-built drawings. He has also worked closely with the Texaco brand in the UK, producing drawings for re-branding projects across the UK.
Since joining terra firma Consultancy Mikey has adapted to using KeySCAPE, and in his previous role has a great deal of experience working with AutoCAD and Autotrack; a vehicle tracking software. He also has a working knowledge of Revit, and has worked with Leica Cyclone software dealing with point cloud processing following on-site surveying using laser-scanning equipment.