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Celebrating 30 Years - Terra Firma Landscape Architects

The terra firma Consultancy is 30 years old this Friday May 1st (by Lionel)

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It has been a long and eventful haul from its founding in Portsmouth in 1985 but in that 30 years, the firm’s work in landscape architecture has only just fallen short of working in 30 countries (29 to be precise) but we have carried out something in the region of 2000 projects and have a current personnel of 30 spread between 4 offices in Petersfield, London, Vilnius and Dubai.

30 terra firma projects
30 years of terra firma projects. A few samples from over the years;
Line 1 1985-90; Dibden Bay, Hampshire Corporate Park, Stratford Ponds Cape Cod, Munich Airport Competition, Worcester Park Massachusetts.
Line 2 1991-95; Chichester Marina, Portsdown Hill, Southwick Park, Fairmile Park Tunbridge Wells, Sinah Warren.
Line 3 1996-2000; Grove Place, Curzon Street, Petershill, Chineham Business Park, Falklands Memorial.
Line 4 2001-5; Beirut Waterfront, Tittenhurst; North Portsea Housing, NATS Prestwick, Paddington Canalside.
Line 5 2006-10; Forbury Reading, Dropmore Estate, Butterflyworld, University of Portsmouth, Leonard Cheshire Memorial.
Line 6 2010-15; Churchill Retirement Living, Islington Housing, Maggies Centre Swansea, MIRA Leicestershire, Muslim Burial Ground Woking
30 countries that terra firma have worked in
The flags of 29 countries terra firma have undertaken projects in;
Kuwait, Afghanistan, Turkey, USA, Argentina, China
Greece, Gibraltar, Romania, Algeria, UAE, Saudi Arabia
Oman, Latvia, Georgia, Cape Verde, Lithuania, Qatar
Azerbaijan, Lebanon, UK, Bahrain, Cyprus, France
New Zealand, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, ..where next?
30 ferrous termites
The 30 current directors, partners and staff of the combined 4 terra firma offices. Between them we have 13 fully qualified Chartered Landscape Architects, 7 underway with the Pathway to Chartership, an ex-president of the Landscape Institute, 3 University lecturing positions including an adjunct professor and no less than 53 degrees and higher level post graduate qualifications.


We are immensely proud of the quantity and quality of work produced during this three decades and it is gratifying to have been acknowledged to have in some way contributed to the continuing rise and expansion of the landscape architectural profession both here and overseas.

We are busier than ever in all the offices and are experiencing record turnover and enquiries of ever increasing variety. Current projects include a national heritage park in southern China, citywide improvements in the Baltic States, high-end projects throughout the Middle East and one of UK’s most prestigious technology parks. However, we still stay grounded within each office’s locality and from Petersfield we are assisting numerous local authorities with strategic development capacity studies, assessments and comments on planning applications, including the South Downs National Park. Our design and supervision of the Muslim Burial Ground Peace Garden will be completed on the ground in Woking shortly and is likely to attract plentiful press attention when it officially opens later in the year.

We will be celebrating with an office trip to the Netherlands in early June but I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those fellow directors, partners, staff members, clients, and colleagues, past and present, who have helped us over the years make the firm the successful and happy place it is to work today, along with so many happy memories and achievements along the way.

Happy Birthday terra firma and best wishes to you all!


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