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residential landscapes Archives - terra firma blog

Tag: residential landscapes

  • Mind the gap – by Martin

    Read Time:3 Minute, 20 Second

    What is a gap? It could of course be that chasm between the train and the platform, or it could be a year’s worth of backpacking taken to separate the eras of study and work.Read the rest

  • ‘Down But Not Out’ by Tom

    Read Time:1 Minute, 28 Second

    Leaning tree on A272 near Sheet, Hampshire

    Trees are great. Fact. They provide us with oxygen, shade, habitat for wildlife, timber for building, chemicals for medicines, screening, beauty, shade…the list really does go on.… Read the rest

  • A load of old rubbish.

    Read Time:4 Minute, 0 Second

    ’ve started doing a lot more walking locally recently and have been becoming increasingly frustrated with the volume of litter, particularly in a nearby housing estate that I cut through to get to the local town centre.… Read the rest