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Landscape Architect Archives - Page 6 of 29 - terra firma blog

Category: Landscape Architect

  • The ‘Trigger’s Broom’ philosophy

    The ‘Trigger’s Broom’ philosophy

    Read Time:4 Minute, 37 Second

    Comments recently spotted on LinkedIn got me thinking about longevity. The original post was about the moving of a mature Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) in The Netherlands, which was written by a specialist contractor (I think; my Dutch only extends as far as double) concentrated on the action of moving the tree by a specialist arboricultural contractor.… Read the rest

  • How landscapes learn

    How landscapes learn

    Read Time:4 Minute, 12 Second

    Happy new year everyone! The title was borrowed from “How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They’re Built”, a book I have recently started reading, that discusses the evolution of buildings and how buildings adapt to changing requirements over a long period of time.… Read the rest

  • End of Year Blog

    End of Year Blog

    Read Time:6 Minute, 29 Second

    This has been a landmark year for terra firma. In spite of everything being thrown at all of us with COVID, Brexit et al, we have been fortunate enough to have worked through it at full pelt, celebrate our 35th birthday and achieve a planned succession with the leadership.… Read the rest

  • Losing touch

    Losing touch

    Read Time:1 Minute, 44 Second

    During June and July 2020 BBC radio 4 broadcast a series of episodes on the theme of Rethink; how the world should change after the coronavirus pandemic. … Read the rest

  • A time for space

    A time for space

    Read Time:2 Minute, 26 Second

    Recently we have become accustomed to the term ‘social distancing’ but prior to the start of the current pandemic this was not the norm for us.… Read the rest

  • Hope springs eternal

    Hope springs eternal

    Read Time:2 Minute, 28 Second

    Spring is always the most hopeful time of year, full of anticipation, when buds burst, bulbs emerge from frozen soil and life in earnest starts again.… Read the rest

  • A view on landscape during a lockdown…

    A view on landscape during a lockdown…

    Read Time:2 Minute, 2 Second

    With the current unprecedented times and the UK lockdown measures in place never more has the landscape around us been more important to our health and well-being yet it has likely never been harder to get access to.… Read the rest