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End of Year Blog 2018 - terra firma blog

End of Year Blog 2018

Read Time:2 Minute, 26 Second

As the end of year looms and we head for the annual office Christmas party we can reflect on a particularly busy year – somewhat surprising given the looming of Brexit and its accompanying uncertainties!

2018 saw us settle into our new offices with all its mod cons as well as the welcome addition of Dan to our staff.

Dan joined our team in October 2018 as our Technical & Administrative Assistant.

Variety is a continuing theme for us and it is great to be working at all scales. From the very large, with landscape character and capacity studies for local authorities, including those local to us at East Hants, Chichester and Test Valley; mixed use masterplans at Southend, Harwich, Southampton; through the medium scale of sites for specific use in healthcare; Brighton, Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals; new residential settlements such as Fernhurst; countless schools and colleges (our biggest sector at present); heritage at The Vyne, Butser Ancient Farm, Brookwood Cemetery and a number of projects with Jeremy Rye, including Ham Manor House and The Wilderness; public realm at White City, down to the smaller scale, but nevertheless complex challenges, of individual dwellings and roof gardens in Glasgow and Watford.

Projects have also taken us far and wide with term contracts for clients such as NATS, all the major retirement home providers, an EIA for infrastructure in Gibraltar, and a masterplan for leisure in south east China with tf-LAB.

The Vilnius and Dubai offices have of course both been very active and it was good to see Ramune over to give a presentation of TFLT work at the Landscape Institute Conference in the autumn.

Ramune (TFLT) presenting at LI conference

Notable successes have included numerous project completions and planning permissions such as MIRA TIC-IT, Brighton MET College, and two Para 79 houses. The team were also proud winners of the LI SE Branch quiz!

Alice’s sketch for Brighton MET College
CGI rendering of Water Farm, Suffolk – courtesy of Studio Bark

We continue to outreach to the wider profession with LI involvements, design panel inputs (for South Downs NPA and North East Hants), school careers events, and getting involved with community initiatives. Social activities included a family barbecue at the local country park over the summer and a joint do with Troy Planning last week. We shall now culminate with our team trip to Portsmouth, where the team enjoyed some bowling at Hollywood Bowl and a three-course meal at Bella Italia, and wish all and everyone a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year for 2019!

Almost all of terra firma, and some special guests, at Hollywood Bowl, Gunwharf.

A special congratulations to:

Keith for being awarded ‘Funniest Bowler’, Gill for ‘Showing Room for Improvement’, Dan for ‘Most Stylish Bowler’, and of course Davon for being the overall winner and presented with the ‘Bowling Kingpin’ trophy!

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