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Autumn showers - terra firma blog

Autumn showers

Read Time:1 Minute, 39 Second

By Ally

We have certainly had more than our fair share of rain this year! It started with April showers and seems to have just kept going!

As I sat in my living room one evening with my daughter in between some very heavy downpours the sun shone very slightly and the wildlife came out to play!

We saw a very cheeky squirrel first run along the top of all three fences that surround our garden, just checking out his stage, and then he ventured onto the lawn, where a very large pigeon chose to ignore him and go about his business of finding worms.

The squirrel left no stone unturned as he investigated every part of my very small garden; he even had a peep in at my daughter and I just to check we were watching the performance he was putting on for us. Eventually he moved onto next door’s garden to find a new audience.

Once he had left the second act appeared, a male and female blackbird, both enjoying the fact that the rain had freshly beaten the grass so their supper was not hard to find. They were so grateful that they sang out loud and long.


It was ten minutes of magic; just watching nature and being asked a multitude of question by my curious daughter; what each animal was doing; where their families were; and how much our garden had changed since the rain had started. The green of the lawn was vibrant, the plants had all grown and flourished so much because of the rain during the year and the leaves had just started dropping to show that autumn really was with us.


The weather reminded me of when I was a child and April showers were expected as just part of nature preparing itself for spring and summer, but as we approach winter and they are still with us, it seems to me the seasons are a little confused this year!

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