Back in early 2020 if you’d have said to me there’d come a time when I’d be writing blogs whilst sitting at a desk in my garden I’d think you were mad.… Read the rest
Author: Martin
Where land meets water
Read Time:4 Minute, 59 SecondDuring this month’s Mental Health Awareness Week (between the 10th and 16th May) I have been thinking about the therapeutic role that landscape can play for people whose mental wellbeing is suffering in some way.… Read the rest
Shock of the new
Read Time:2 Minute, 45 SecondI recently returned to the place where I grew up. Well, kind of. It hardly seems the same place any more.… Read the rest
Vilnius calling (by Martin)
Read Time:2 Minute, 55 SecondI’ve just returned from a few days visiting our colleagues at terra firma LT. I don’t quite know what I was expecting Lithuania to be like, but what I found was something of a surprise.… Read the rest
Home is where the heart is (by Martin)
Read Time:4 Minute, 29 SecondAt terra firma our work with the Housing sector constitutes a sizable portion of the firm’s overall output. This emphasis on residential development is no coincidence, as it no-doubt reflects an emphasis in the broader construction sector.… Read the rest
The landscape of mental health (by Alex)
Read Time:1 Minute, 40 SecondThe increasing awareness of our environment has become a focal point within many professions over the last decade and health services across the world have started to reengage with nature.… Read the rest
Hidden routes of Portsmouth – An Urban Hike, by Alice
Read Time:2 Minute, 43 SecondDuring July terra firma were invited to take part in a local community initiative and guided group walk organised by Friends of the Earth.… Read the rest