This enchanting project by the SPUD Group (Space, Placemaking and Urban Design), designed by young architects at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios delighted us on our cold walk on the exposed coastline of the Lymington marshes.… Read the rest
Author: Alison Galbraith
The Observatory by Alison Galbraith
Read Time:36 Second -
End of Year Blog by Lionel (23 December 2015)
Read Time:2 Minute, 38 Second2015 was terra firma’s 30th birthday and as such we had a great celebration mid-year, taking all the crew to Amsterdam for a study tour.… Read the rest
Celebrating World Soil Day by Alison Galbraith
Read Time:44 SecondTalking to school children earlier this week when planting trees it was clear they were fascinated by soils, particularly the wonderfully mind-boggling stat that there are more organisms in one tablespoon of healthy soil than there are people on earth!!… Read the rest
Two in a million! by Alison Galbraith
Read Time:54 SecondSince the launch of National Tree Week 40 years ago around one million trees have been planted every year, initially in response to the loss of 20 million trees through Dutch Elm Disease.… Read the rest
Carfree and carefree? by Keith Baker
Read Time:3 Minute, 3 SecondI remember blithely using the headline ‘Car-free is carefree’ on a college assignment to try and sell the dream of a modern city-centre where people could shop at artisan food stalls before sitting down with a flat white to watch cyclists glide past.… Read the rest
Happy birthday to our colleagues in Lithuania! by Alison Galbraith
Read Time:1 Minute, 36 SecondMany congratulations to our colleagues at terra firma LT in Vilnius, Lithuania, who have just celebrated the completion of their first year of trading!… Read the rest
Planting trees by Alison Galbraith
Read Time:2 Minute, 56 SecondOne of the most important things we do as landscape architects is to be involved in the planting of trees. … Read the rest