Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

Cyber Essentials Plus Certified!We are delighted to announce that we have…

London Trip

London CPD TripOn Thursday 13th June, some of the tf team had a CPD trip to…

Careers fair!

Thursday evening Leo and Davon attended a Careers Fair not far from the office…

fulham cross redevelopment

Planning Success!

A bumper week of planning permissions secured this last week with MIRA…

Volunteer replanting at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice

Volunteer replanting at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice By Davon Bree It’s great to be…


Cyber safe!

Ahead of the game!terra firma are pleased to announce that we have successfully…

robyn fellows

Director graduates as a LI Fellow

Many congratulations to Robyn Butcher. Last night, Robyn graduated as a Fellow…

Officially appointed at municipality

We are proud to share the news that Ramune Baniuliene, terra firma LT founder…

Progress on Pelham Street - A time-lapse

Watch progress on the site clearance for the new residential development on…

Sutton Hoo showcased in Architects' Journal

Following on from the release of ‘The Dig’, the Netflix film released in…

Brighton Metropolitan College

Official opening almost here

Looking forward to the official opening of the Greater Brighton Metropolitan…

tf 36

terra firma turns 36

Started in Portsmouth, May 1st 1985, we hope to celebrate as a team with an…

Three at the helm!

The terra firma Consultancy are delighted to announce that Alison Galbraith…

Walk out to help out

During a remote office meeting, team member recognised that they had been…

Site visit to St Nicholas

We recently visited site at St Nicholas SEN school with Willmott Dixon to see…

Skeleton crew through COVID-19

Wishing everyone good health. terra firma are continuing to work but in…

Pro Landscaper 2020 winners!

We won!Last week, Lionel and Robyn represented terra firma at the Pro…

We're recruiting!

terra firma are looking for a full-time graduate landscape architect or…