At terra firma we pride ourselves in providing a high quality, professional and efficient service. We are committed to determining and fulfilling the needs and expectations of our clients, aiming to achieve client satisfaction, as well as complying with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, embedding good work ethics and best practice.
We are committed to ensuring that our business practices satisfy the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. In order to be assured of this we have established, implemented, integrated and maintain a Quality Management System, inclusive of:
- A series of defined operational processes that are integral to our business practices, each of which are assigned specific Quality Objectives. For each process, we have identified potential risks and opportunities in pursuit of its Quality Objectives, and Key Performance Indicators to facilitate regular monitoring and evaluation.
- Requirements for routine peer review of our day-to-day work. The same peer review process is applied to work done by external providers on our behalf, ensuring there is consistency in pursuit of our Quality Objectives.
- Mechanisms to ensure that we learn from things that go wrong, by identifying their root cause and establishing methods of mitigating the risk of errors reoccurring.
- Mechanisms to ensure that we regularly review the various Controlled Documents that determine the way we go-about our work, ensuring that they remain ‘fit-for-purpose’, refining them wherever needed to ensure they reflect current best practice.
- Mechanisms for regularly monitoring and evaluating our work and our business practices against identified Key Performance Indicators. We undertake regular auditing of all our internal systems and processes and consider the findings at regular Management Reviews. These allow the effectiveness of our Quality Management System to be interrogated and refined where needed.
We recognise that our staff are an integral part of our Quality Management System and are committed to ensuring they are appropriately skilled and have the resources needed for the tasks in hand. We expect all our staff to understand the abide with the requirements of the Quality Management System and be familiar with this Quality Policy.
Through communication, engagement, practical example and training, each employee will have a proper understanding of the importance of the Quality Management System, their responsibility in contributing to its effectiveness and its direct relevance to the success of the organisation. We intend that implementing this Quality Management System will foster a culture of pursuing Quality Objectives and an ethos of continual improvement within the company.